Camp Recruitment Blog
Hiring trends, best practices, and automation tips to recruit and hire the best talent for camp.
Hiring Timeline: March Focus Areas
Time to lock in your nurses and chefs. While it’s tempting to go beyond that, our data shows that in March, you should focus only on critical roles and hold off on counselors until the spring.
ACA New England Podcast
Check us out on the ACA New England Podcast talkin’ shop about camp recruitment. Join us for a conversation about the data and analytics behind camp staffing strategies - including the significance of timing and accessibility,
Reference Checks: How to Automate This Season
References can be extremely labor-intensive. As you think about how to up your game this hiring season, try to add automation to reference checks. It’s a great way to gain a competitive edge.
The Key to Landing the Best Camp Talent? Flexibility
Directors that are serious about building high performing teams are saying “yes” to candidate requests, and are being rewarded by landing the most sought after talent on the market.
How to Reduce Candidate Interview Ghosting
What if I told you that by using a simple scheduling automation tool you can drastically reduce your candidate ghosting problem. Would you believe me?
With Seasonal Recruitment, Timing is Everything
Many camp directors believe camp recruitment is a year-round marathon. While some may have success starting early, our data shows it’s likely not the best use of your time.
Realities of a Labor Shortage at Camp
The impact of the pandemic on the industry cannot be understated. The extreme safety precautions needed at camps in 2021 had a major impact on the ability to hire a complete staff.
Looking Up Candidates on Social Media
Social media can be a helpful tool for evaluating candidates. However, it must be used with specific intention and discipline. If misused, it can quickly add bias and discrimination to the hiring process. In this blog, we’ll share tips for recognizing and avoiding these harmful practices.
Three Recruitment Automation Tools to Start Using Today
To get good at job boards you have to be equipped to handle the volume of candidates. And to handle volume, you have to automate. In this blog we will feature simple, low-cost automation tools we swear by at CampHire. If you are working the job boards this Spring, integrating these tools into your process will make your life a lot easier.
CampHire Stories: Good Morning America (Faryn)
In our series “CampHire Stories,” we profile former camp staffers and the highly sought after careers that camp made possible for them. Next up: Faryn Shiro, Producer at Good Morning America.
CampHire Stories: Founders (Aaron & Esther)
At CampHire, we believe camp is the best a summer job has to offer. And we’re here to prove it. In our series “CampHire Stories,” we’ll profile former camp staffers and the highly sought after careers that camp made possible for them. First up: Aaron and Esther, the brother and sister founders of CampHire.
How to Get the Most from Job Board Promotion
When it comes to job boards, there is one to rule them all. Indeed. It’s the number one job board in the US, and it’s not even close, capturing 75 percent of applications nationwide. If you aren’t serious about Indeed, you’re missing out on candidates. We spend lots of time (and money!) on Indeed and are excited to share learnings to help you get the most out of the platform.
How to Avoid Application Barriers
Getting someone to view your post is hard. Getting someone to apply to your post is even harder. Do yourself a favor and make it easy for candidates to get in touch with you. A seamless application experience is essential to getting real hits on your post.
How to Write Inclusive Job Descriptions
Identifying and removing bias from your job description is critical to turning "views" into "applicants." The language you use can impact who is applying for the role. There is a lot of chatter on this topic, but for the sake of this post I’ve summarized the key principles we hold ourselves accountable to at CampHire.
2020 Year in Review: Partnering to Help Camps Adapt
Nothing about 2020 was normal. And camps were no exception. The team at CampHire shares how we partnered with camps to make the most of a challenging year and emerging trends for 2021.
The Case for Camp
What is it about the camp experience that makes it the perfect launching point for your future career? The CampHire team shares our thoughts.
Cut the Fluff: How to Attract High-Quality Staff
Set the tone by cutting the camp fluff from job descriptions and immediately and explicitly connecting the camp experience with career development.