Camp Counselor & Seasonal Staff Hiring

CampHire Marketplace

Skip the job boards and get access to pre-screened candidates uniquely sourced for camp.

Hire camp counselors, nurses, chefs, and more.

Seasonal recruitment is hard, CampHire makes it easy.


Browse counselors, nurses, and chefs from the United States. Filter by location, skills, and qualifications.


Reserve candidates for up to 5 days and get a head-start on conducting your interview process.


Hire qualified candidates that enhance your camp community and elevate your summer staff.

Qualified camp staff,
at your fingertips.

The CampHire Marketplace connects camps with candidates interested in working at camp. Designed to streamline your recruitment efforts, hiring domestic staff has never been easier. Our team of recruiters source candidates from across the United States and screen applicants based on the unique characteristics of camp. Join the Marketplace and start browsing today.

Seasonal camp staffing starts here.

Enrollment Fee

Seasonal access from April-June.

Get instant access to engage with counselors, nurses and chefs on the CampHire Marketplace.


✔ Filter by location and qualifications
✔ New candidates added April-June
✔ Reserve candidates for up to 5 days

Placement Fees

Hired candidates are subject to additional Placement Fees based on job type.

  • Counselors $1,200

  • Chefs $2,500

  • Nurses $3,000

Learn more about pricing & terms.

CampHire Marketplace FAQs